Tuesday 17 July 2012

Day 26 - Vegas... The Continuation

Needless to say, we all woke up with extremely sore heads and in need of a greasy breakfast haha! Matt and I didn't even leave our room until about lunchtime that day... (It wasn't too bad of an effort considering we didn't get to sleep until 6am that morning!) We eventually gained the strength to leave the room and head out in search for the others, we had decided that we were going to meet up at M&M World (It has 4 massive floors of just M&M related objects). Matt and I went off to have a look around at a few shops and ended up buying some clothes and souvenirs for ourselves, while Craig had gone of on one of his little adventures by himself as usual... (Craig has a habit of disappearing for periods of time, but we always end up finding him haha!) Danny and Adam continued to walk down the strip having a look at a few other things.

We met up at M&M World and decided to have lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe... Again... This was most probably the 6th Hard Rock that we had eaten at haha, the menu doesn't change that much, I can tell you that. But it was good nonetheless. Our hostess just so happened to share the same birthday as Matt, we didn't get anything special for it, but she let us know that all the 7/11 stores give you a special present if you have the birthday 7/11! I wish there was a store called 26/02 now... After finishing yet another gargantuan meal, we headed back towards the hotel for another quick rest... Adam, Matt and Myself had already had enough sleep so we went and checked out the pool... It took us 30 minutes just to walk to the pool! It was ages away but they had four massive pools and all of them were buzzing! We had a quick gander and then walked back to the room to chill before we went to the Old Vegas Strip for dinner!

The Old Vegas was awesome! They had a giant LED screen that stretched the entire length of the mall, and they played songs with video clips of the artists live performance and everything! Some of the favourite artists were Bon Jovi and Queen, both of them were spectacular, and everyone was singing along to it haha! We ended up having a buffet dinner again at the Golden Nugget, this one was a little more expensive but was still really good! After dinner we went to go and spend some money down on the gaming floor, Danny, Matt and Adam went to the pokies, while Craig and Myself went to the blackjack tables. We played a really strange version, where you put in $5 minimum to play and the put another $5 into the pot, whoever gets the highest hand out of the entire table wins both their original bet and the pot... This was great, except Craig and I were the only ones playing on the table haha! I ended up taking the majority of Craig's money haha!

We met up with everyone outside the front of the casino and headed back towards the MGM in a taxi... Matt and I decided that we were going to stay down stairs in the MGM and continue gambling.. We had a few more drinks and ended up breaking even before heading back upstairs and calling it a night..

Next stop... Hoover Dam and the road to L.A!


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