Monday 2 July 2012

Day 14 - The Road to Memphis

After surviving our near death experience at Pontiac the night before, everyone was pretty keen to hit the road fairly early the next morning, escpecially because we were having our first 24 hour diner experience along Route 66 that morning! We stopped at a place called Cozy Dogs, apparently it is the place where the Dagwood Dog originated from (it is just a sausage on a stick covered in batter and then deep fried, for those who didn't know), so you can guess what we all had for breakfast... A nice, healthy serving of Cozy Dog and a Route 66 soda!

We stopped at another historic point along Route 66 for lunch called Weezy's, it was an original diner from 1930 that had been restored by the current owners. The food there was excellent, as well as the staff! All were extremely friendly and were chatting with us from the time we went in there, until the time we left (Even after Matt knocked over his Coke just after the lady had finished pouring it...). They also had tons of heaps of cool memorabilia, and had a world map and got us to stick pins in from where we were from (First people from the Northern Territory!).

We then continued on, hitting St. Louis just before lunch and decided to check out the Gateway Arch! That thing is huge! We had a quick look around but didn't stay for too long because it was soo hot! (40.5 Degrees Celcius!!) and because we still had a long way to go before we hit Memphis..

After crawling back into the RV in hopes to get some shade and AC... We were on the road again.. We went through our booklet in search for a place to set-up camp and ended up settling in a town called Sikeston just outside of Memphis... We decided that we were just going to have dinner in the RV that night so we went in search for a supermarket to get some supplies. To our surprise, WALMART was just around the corner from our campgrounds!! We pulled up in the carpark and Adam was literally wetting his pants with excitement haha! The very first thing Adam and I noticed when we walked in, was that they had motorized shopping carts... Of course we decided to grab one each and proceeded to race each other around the store for the next hour or so haha!

Just as we were about to leave Walmart, we noticed that there was a tent set-up across the road, with a large sign above it saying "FIREWORKS". How else were we supposed to celebrate 4th of July? Not to mention Territory Day that we were all missing out on... $300 and multiple large bags full of fireworks later, we were finally headed back to our campsite to settle in for the night...

Next stop.. Memphis, Tennessee!



  1. Please tell me you haven't skipped Lynchburg & the JD distillery??!!!
    & more pics pretty please???

    1. Nope, just went the other way... I'm trying to get the photo's up now but we are having Internet troubles as I said.. Hopefully tomorrow morning we can quickly stop past an internet cafe or something :) Don't worry though everything should be back to normal soon enough haha

  2. Hey Guys go easy on the diners! Dont want you all turning into the Teletubbies! Any amazing "WALMART" sights?? Lovin the Blog keep up the good work! Missing you all back here in the lil ol NT.
    Dont forget to say gidday to Elvis for your Grandma Mark!

  3. So glad still doing Lynchburg, was going to be devastated for Craig otherwise! Lucky!!! Can't wait for the next update, and round of pics, thanks Mark! <3
