Saturday 30 June 2012

Day 13 - On to Chicago!

It was a very early start the next morning, with myself, Matt, Danny and Craig were all up at 5:45am (Adam sleeping in as usual haha!). With a quick stop into the head office of the RV site to do everything that we needed to do (update this blog, because we have avid readers!), we were on the road towards Milwaukee!

Craig was extremely excited this particular morning, as we were visiting the Harley Davidson museum! He had every reason to be excited, it was awesome! They had so many antique bikes going all the way up to the current bikes. We decided to go on the audio tour, where they gave you a little headset and iPod and all you had to do was type in the number that was on the exhibit and it gave you an explanation as well as a little story. I think by far my favourite part of the museum was the collection of fuel tanks that they had which showed each different commemorative tank for each year. They also had a special exhibit that had leather jackets on display that were worn by famous people and their bikes as well (Elvis Presley's bike was on display there which was pretty cool).

We stopped in the little cafe area for a quick drink after the museum and then we were off to Chicago to officially start Route 66! If there is one place that I will never be driving, it is Chicago! The traffic there was absolutely ridiculous and I thought Darwin drivers were bad haha! We made it to the starting point in one piece thanks to Captian Danny's amazing driving skills and his ability to not get out and thump people for beeping their horns for no reason! We stopped in at a little pub that was on the same road as the starting marker and had a few drinks (to help build courage haha!) and then it was on for young and old! We officially kicked off our journey by morphing the starting marker for Route 66! After doing the usual photoshoot we decided that it was time to hit the road as we were running a little behind schedule...

We finished up our day in a small town called Pontiac after visiting the Jolly Green Giant at the Launching Pad. Everyone had finally just started to drift off and then out of nowhere, a massive electrical storm rolled into town! We all woke up startled because of a nearby lightning strike, but all managed to get back to sleep after that... It wasn't until the next morning did we see how close we actually were to being hit by lightning...

Next stop... The road to Memphis!


1 comment:

  1. All the boys at the office are now being kept up to date on the Morphin adventures :-)
    Danny everyone was impressed with the Toyota leap with Craig on your shoulders! The Morph shot looks like you put your back out though haha
