Sunday 17 June 2012

Day 1 - Darwin to Singapore

Off to a bit of a shaky start... Apparently you need a passport to leave the country haha! Looks like it is Mark's shout at the bar first! Thanks Dad for driving all the way in from Palmerston with it, will definitely owe you a carton when I get back!

Almost made it through security after making a bet to see who looks more like a bomber/drug smuggler... Turns out it was Danny, who would have thought haha!

Currently sitting in the airport bar waiting for the Red Power Ranger (Craig) to morph up! Only a few more hours until we officially kick off the first leg of our journey...

XOXO Gossip Girl (Mark)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How hard to blog! Trust you Mark to forget the most important item of the trip. Bet you didn't forget your Morph suit. Take care all.

  3. Haha I was caught off guard when they rocked at my house an hour earlier the they said! Definitely didn't forget the morphsuit though lol, planning on doing the first appearance tomorrow somewhere in Singapore, you'll just have to keep posted to find out more lol.

  4. Thats okay mate, thats what Dad's are for. Its good to hear that Danny is now in charge of the paperwork, or is it??? Hope the trips going well and look forward to the ongoing adventures of "morphin Route 66"
