Friday 29 June 2012

Day 12 - The road to Milwaukee

We had about a three and half hour drive before we reached our lunchtime destination of Green Bay, so we hit the road relatively early again... We drove down past some amazing sights, and had either rivers or lake right next to us the whole way there. We stopped at a few small towns so that Craig could trade some number plates to add to his collection and get petrol and supplies... We stopped at one service station and they actually sold ammunition over the counter!! Yet they won't let you drink until you are 21 years of age... That I do not understand haha!

We made it into Green Bay at around lunchtime and had a look around for a food joint. We ended up eating at Taco Bell, which I didn't find too bad, but everyone else hated it haha! We then went to check out a few department stores in search for a Green Bay Packers shirt for myself and a few other assorted pieces... We soon left so that we could try and get to our camp site and set up for the night. The place we pulled into was called Plymouth Rock Camping Resort, and was amazing! Everywhere was really green; they had a mini golf course and a giant lake that was only a 5 minute walk away from our campsite... We had a round of mini golf, to see who truly was a Tiger Wood's protégé haha! After 18 holes and an extremely close game, we had finally declared a winner... DANNY! On 54. Adam came in Second Place with a score of 57, I came in third with a 59, Craig was fourth with a 60 and Matt came last with a score of 67...

After the tense game of mini golf we decided that we needed a calm and soothing walk down to the lake... The forest down the path was crazy, it was like nothing I have seen before and is completely different to the bush back in Australia! It was like walking in a movie... We made it down to the dock, where they had paddle boats and Canoe's lined up for hire, but they were padlocked to the cement with chains so you couldn't just take them. Matt and I jokingly sat in one of the paddle boats and started to paddle backwards as if we would be able to break the chains... Turns out we have amazing leg muscles haha! We snapped one of the chains while we were paddling backwards! After 20 minutes of fun on the paddle boats we decided to head back up to camp and have some dinner whilst listening to some classic American rock music!

Everyone called it quits at about 10pm because we have to drive another long stretch tomorrow... Next stop, Chicago!!


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