Monday 18 June 2012

Day 1 - Singapore Continued...

We arrived in Singapore after a fairly short flight, except for the end when they had malfunctions with the exit gate -.- ... We did however get to share the plane with the band Simple Plan (only 3 rows behind them!) and Adam and I got caught in the middle of their group on the escalators out of the airport, so Adam assumed we were part of the band and started humming their songs haha!

Finally made it out of the airport terminal, after catching 3 different monorails and walking for what seemed like miles due to how stinking hot it is! Checked into the hostel and went to check out the nightlife and have a feed... Not 10 minutes into strolling around Clarke Quay and I am approached by a nice looking lady standing with a few friends at the front of a bar... She was a hooker... All the boys got a kick out of that and proceeded take the piss for the next 15 or so minutes haha! After finding out that Hooters was closed (Much to Adam's dismay) we settled for a nice beer and pizza joint for dinner.

Anyways, calling it quits for the night due to having a big day ahead tomorrow! Stay tuned for more adventures haha!

XOXO Gossip Girl (Mark)

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