Friday 22 June 2012

Day 2 - Singapore

After an adventurous night running around Singapore, we decided that it was most probably best that we got some rest, because we had a busy day ahead of us... Danny managed to get some sleep.. The rest of us had to endure what sounded like a 747 taking off from the bed next to us haha!! All I can say is, thank god for headphones! =P

Next morning we started our trek out towards our first target to unleash the morphsuits on... The Skydeck! We successfully managed to pull off our highest morph ever at 53 storeys high and had an awesome view of Singapore to go with it!

We were definitely the highlight of many peoples mornings, with photo requests coming in from all over the place, it was certainly a memorable moment! That was the final activity for
the day, before we departed towards our next stop... Shanghai, China!



  1. This would have to be the most awsomest photo ever! It looks like something out of a movie set :-)

  2. Awesome Photo guys!...Now that's something Ive never seen in Singapore before!
    Look out America! The Aussie Sensations "Morphin' Route 66"
    are on their way! Viral legend status here they come!
