Friday 22 June 2012

Day 4 - New York

14 and a half hours later, we land in New York! With all of us super excited to get off the plane as quickly as possible so that we could stretch our legs and finally start the American leg of our journey, we raced towards the customs gates... it took another 3 hours before we even got to our hotel.. Everyone was absolutely knackered after catching the subway from one side of Manhattan to the other and then having to walk so many more blocks dragging our bags with us.. The sigh of relief once we had checked into the hotel was unanimous!

After cleaning up a little bit , it was time to adventure into the concrete jungle. We went and visited Times Square (ridiculously big!) in search of a pub and a few shops. Found a Toys r'us that was 5 storeys high and had a Ferris wheel inside it... I think Casuarina management need to start stepping up their game haha! After getting in contact with our inner child, it was decided that beers were in need.. We then found the  world's largest Applebees, where we were served by our lovely (and pretty hot ;) ) hostess Riley. If anyone who is reading this goes to an Applebees and does not try their apple pie, they are definitely missing out!

After a long and exhausting day we made it back to the hotel and called it quits in preparation for the next day...


1 comment:

  1. Houston.... the Morph's have landed, god save America!
