Friday 29 June 2012

Day 11 - Back to America!

We woke up the next morning all still in one piece and had not had a surprise visit from an axe murderer while we were sleeping throughout the night... However, we were visited by an animal (or a local resident at the truck stop nearby, it was hard to tell the difference...) as they had urinated all over our front tire... We were soon packed up and off in search of the American border once again...

We stopped off in a little town called Algoma Mills for lunch at the local bar called the Mustang Grill... Craig was quite disappointed with the meal because they gave him an uncooked onion on his burger haha, but I did find a beer which is the best one that I have tasted since we have arrived in the States/Canada... It is called a Molson Canadian; apparently it is the beer of the NHL (National Hockey League). All I can say is that the NHL has excellent taste haha! We also noticed a little real estate billboard as we were walking through town. You can buy a 32 acre Island for the $399,000.00!! If only it wasn't in the middle of nowhere haha!

After many more hours of driving, we crossed the border and stopped in a nice RV park called Castle Rock RV Park in St. Ingales. We had a little beach that went onto the lake and everything, it was really nice... As it turned out, there also happened to be a car show happening in the area over the next few days (Craig died and went to heaven haha!) There were all sorts of classic American cars all over the RV Park. We met a few of our neighbors and had a few beers with them and discussed where we were all from... During this discussion we also decided that it was time to give Adam a haircut, seeing as though he had been whinging about how long his hair was for the last few days haha!! Step in hairdresser Mark! (I thank my mum for teaching me everything I know about cutting hair haha!) We only had a pair of cloth scissors and decided that they would do the trick... About an hour and quite a few beers later, Matt and I had finally finished cutting Adam's hair... It actually turned out not as bad as we thought it would and looked partially acceptable haha! After that we decided to call it quits before anyone else had any bright ideas haha! Next stop, Milwaukee!


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