Friday 29 June 2012

Day 10 - Niagara Falls

We had to be up and at the American side of Niagara falls by 9am the next morning, bcause we had bought tickets to go on the Maid of the Mist. It was pretty awesome and we got right up in the middle of the Falls! We all looked quite stunning in our little blue poncho's aswell haha!

Once we had finished everything we needed to do on the American side of Niagara Falls, it was time to finally take our adventure over to Canada! We have now officially been rejected by a country haha!! We had bought a whole bunch of firewood the day before and stored it in the boot of the RV, turns out you aren't allowed to bring wood from America to Canada due to some of the insects that hide in the wood.. A few years back some insects got across the border in some firewood and managed to infest some of the forest area in Canada and it killed over 1 million trees! So we drove back over to America and dumped our firewood (Matt wasn't too impressed as he had bought  all of it haha) and proceeded to try and gain entry into the country for the second time..

We made it across the border and were officially in Canada! We drove straight down to the Falls and grabbed a few snapshots before we had found our vantage point to morph up! As usual, we were a hit and everyone was getting photos with us, including the local authorities, they thought we were hilarious (not to mention they couldn't resist our good looks haha!). Niagara Falls had officially been morphed and another location had been ticked off the list! We hung around Niagara falls for a little bit and checked out a few of the sites including the sky tower which gave us a full view of Niagara Falls from about 60 storey’s up! Just as we were leaving the sky tower, we had picked up a little booklet which gave us discounts on a few things around the town...  This just happened to include INDOOR SKYDIVING! Craig, Matt and I decided we definitely had to try this out! It was so much fun!! We got the full run down of proper technique and the hand signals we were supposed to use, it was definitely one of the top ten things I have done on the trip so far!

After everyone had arrived back at the RV we hit the road, as we had a lot of ground to cover if we were going to try and stay on schedule... Because our designated camp ground selector was sleeping at the time (Matt) we had to use the back up (Adam)... He lead us straight into the middle of suburbia of a town called Barrie... there wasn't even a camping site nearby... By this point Matt had woken up and was looking for an alternative... We managed to find one about 100 miles out and by the time we got into the area it was 11pm at night... We drove around for a little bit and couldn't see the entrance anywhere, so we decided that we would set up camp on the side of the road for the night and hope that some axe murderer didn't find us and think that we would look better chopped up into little pieces haha! To be continued...


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