Monday 25 June 2012

Day 7 - Road to Philedelphia

We hit the road at 7am this morning, eager to get to the RV so that we could start the driving part of our adventure.. After missing the pickup point the first time round, we finally found it and we were introduced to the place we would be calling home for the next three and half weeks... The staff tooks us through the RV and showed us how everything worked and what not to do etc. They then took Matt, Adam and myself to grab all the sleeping gear and utensils while Craig and Danny went to fill out all the paperwork and insurance.. By about lunchtime we had finally started the journey and the first thing we wanted to do, was to go and eat! We found a local Burger King and ordered the biggest thing we could find on the menu haha! Once we had well and truly over-stuffed our stomachs we went on our way to Philedelphia to see the Liberty Bell.

We  made it to Philedelphia in just under a couple of hours and went to go and check out the Liberty Bell. After listening to a preacher talk about how the world was going to end and that America was corrupt and God will strike them down (was actually quite funny, because we just started taking the piss out of him), we made it in to see the Liberty Bell and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was actually quite interesting to learn about it and check it out in person.

We decided that it was too far for us to continue onto Washington D.C. that night and went and found an RV park halfway between D.C. and Philedephia, called College Park. We thought our RV was big! You should have seen some of the gargantuan vehicles that were parked near us! Some of them had 42" Flat Screen TV's in their storage bays so they could watch TV outside haha! We grabbed a few pizzas and resupplied our beer fridge from the tuck shop (beer is only $20 a carton here, I think we all died and went to heaven when we realised that haha!) and started our campfire to eat around.. Next stop, Washington D.C.


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