Monday 25 June 2012

Day 8 - Washington D.C.

Craig and Danny woke up at about 3am the next morning in order to get everything prepped and packed for the nations capital.. They were kind enough to let myself, Adam and Matt sleep in until about 4:30, then got us up for breakfast at McDonald's (nice and healthy I know). After being re-directed by a Special Service Cop, we had finally found a place to park our ridiculously oversized vehicle and made our way towards the White House to visit Obama himself! Not five minutes after walking towards all the monuments and we lose Danny and Matt... Turns out they didn't want to walk the same way as us haha.

First monument we saw was the Washington monument.. Holy shit that thing is big! Took a few snaps of the monument and then saw a squirrel... SQUIRREL!! I chased after one of them for a bit in hopes to get a nice photo, turns out I was chasing after a squirrel that was actually a model, as he posed fully stretched out for me along a few park benches haha!

Since it was still quite early in the morning, we decided that we should go and check out the White House before the crowds got there.. Obama has officially been morphed!! We quickly stripped off behind a building and morphed up to get some awesome shots in front of the White House! After getting changed quite quickly aftrwards due to the suspicious looks from all the Secret Service cops (pretty sure Craig had a sniper dot on him, we just couldn't see it because he is Red... haha) we made our way around to the Reflecting pools, Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial.

We then left D.C. after finding our RV still in one piece (the place we parked at looked pretty dodgy) and were on our way to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. We stopped of at a little antique shop on the side of the road to have a quick sticky beak and it was pretty interesting (they had heaps of books that were over 100 years old) just as we were getting into the van to leave.. CRASH! A huge F-150 smashed straight into the back of this tiny little car, destroying the rear end of it! Everyone was OK, one of the ladies in the little car smacked her head, so someone called 911. NINE emergency vehicles later! (we would be lucky to get one to attend something that small in Darwin haha!) we were finally in Gettysburg. We checked out a few more antique shops and memorabilia shops and then went to have lunch in a little pub called Eddie's place. As usual, the meals were super-size portions for a cheap price, but it was a nice little place to have lunch. We then went off to the Civil War Museum and watched a film explaining what the Civil War was all about (Slavery) and checked out the Cyclorama (google that shit! it is super impressive!) and went through the museum and saw all of the artifacts and equipment that was recovered and placed on display for us to see. The Civil War Museum was amazing! It was great to see everything that was used and all the strategic battleplans that were used in the Battle of Gettysburg, I would definitely recommend you go to check it out if you are ever in the area..

We then headed off to find a place to set-up camp for the night, finding a place just outside Lewisburg called Little Mexico RV Park. It was quite nice, massive 42 acre grass area and tonnes of wildlife running around the place. Next stop, the Road to Niagara Falls!



  1. Do you lads realise that if you eat like Americans you'll look more like Telly Tubbies than Power Rangers by the end of your trip ?? Hope theres LOTSA stretch in those suits !! I think "Super Size Me" has already been done ! LOL :-D

  2. If you zoom in on the White house window Im sure thats Obama cacking himself laughing. He's probably thinking bloody Territorians, I send them the Marines and they send me the Morph's!
    Lucky the F150 didn't take out the "Morph Mobile", Mum had to do a double take when she first read it! Keep up the blogging and dont forget the map!
